Click to Watch The Basic Class *NOT included in 2-Day option Talking is Not Teaching How to use the correct language to get your point across effectively and not be boring. Babysitting is Not Teaching You didn’t spend years training martial arts just to watch kids run around. Training the Bully This video deals with sparring. Order of Operations It’s important for solving equations and it’s just as important in running a full class. You want the whole process to be efficient, fun, energetic, informative, and fun (I mention it twice because it’s that important). This video talks about how. Let Them Fail It’s said that failure is the greatest teacher but you want to use failure properly so that you don’t fail as an instructor and set your students up for success. Know Your Assistants This is about other instructors and “big kids” and how it relates to you and your students. Know Your Students* If your goal is to make someone the best version of themselves, then you need to know where they are at so that you can guide them forward. This video covers one of the best ways to do that. Identifying Complexity* Keep it simple. Watch the video. Also, repetition, so watch it again. Training the Wrong Thing and/or Bad Habits* Are you really teaching what’s right for them or are you teaching them how to get kicked out of school. Language, Feedback, and Correction* Words are important and phrasing sentences properly can make all the difference in your student’s success. If you have something that’s mostly mental, then you don’t want to put the wrong thing in there head. It’s also super important when dealing with a still developing mind.